{###_deenow/10/1430139875.mp3_###}【Robbie Williams】:The Road to Mandalay

Save me from drowning in the sea   自大海中救起了我
Beat me up on the beach        在海灘上痛打了我
What a lovely holiday         好一個愉悅的假期
There's nothing funny left to say   已沒有任何好笑的可以言語

This sombre song would drain the sun 這一首憂鬱的歌,可以使太陽枯竭
But it won't shine until it's sung  可在唱頌它之前,太陽也不再閃耀
No water running in the stream    河川中已沒有溪水在流淌
The saddest place we've ever been  這裡是我們到過最為哀傷的地方

Everything I touched was golden   凡是我碰觸的,皆成了黃金
Eveything I loved got broken     凡是我愛戀的,皆成了破碎
On the road to Mandalay       在前往曼德林的路上

Every mistake I've ever made     所有我一度犯下的錯誤
Has been rehashed and then replayed  在重新改寫之後,又重蹈覆轍
As I got lost along the way      而我在路上迷失著

bom bom bom ba da dup bom bom...

There's nothing left for you to give  已沒有什麼是你可以給予的
The truth is all that you're left with 你所留下的,唯有真實
Twenty paces then at dawn        黎明在二十步之後來臨
We will die and be reborn        我們將要死去,並得到重生

I like to sleep beneath the trees    我喜愛在樹下睡去
Have the universe at one with me    全世界與我合而為一
Look down the barrel of a gun      在槍口中窺見
And feel the Moon replace the Sun    並感受到了那日往月來

Everything we've ever stolen      所有我們竊取的
Has been lost returned or broken    不是找了回來,便是已經損毀
No more dragons left to slay      也不再有可殺害的惡龍

Every mistake I've ever made      所有我一度犯下的錯誤
Has been rehashed and then replayed   在重新改寫之後,又重蹈覆轍
As I got lost along the way       而我在路上迷失著

bom bom bom ba da dup bom bom...

Save me from drowning in the sea   自大海中救起了我
Beat me up on the beach        在海灘上痛打了我
What a lovely holiday         好一個愉悅的假期
There's nothing funny left to say   已沒有任何好笑的可以言語


我雖然很討厭羅比威廉斯 Robbie Williams(卻很喜歡羅賓威廉斯 Robin Williams哦)


【DeeNow 豬腦的白痴網誌】:wretch.cc/blog/DeeNow
【DeeNow 豬腦的白痴影片】:wretch.cc/video/DeeNow
【DeeNow 豬腦的白痴留言】:wretch.cc/guest/DeeNow

(-.- ) 咦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 肚子咕咕叫 
 /)/) 矇面加菲貓___________________來囉!!
( -.-)
 ?C-) 看屁啊~~~~~~ ╯-_-)╯~┴─┴ 翻桌唷~~!

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